Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Hi everyone! My name is Anne Morgan. I graduated from Rockford High School in Rockford, MI (near Grand Rapids) in 2006, and I am now a junior here at WMU. My major is social work, and I'm also working on a psychology minor and possibly a French minor as well. Also, soon I will have to start work on my Honors thesis - yikes!

I spent a month and a half in Nantes, France this summer with Campus Crusade for Christ, and that has made me very curious about other cultures and governments as well as globalization, which is one reason I think this class will be very interesting to me.

After my undergrad here, I'll have to continue on to a Master's program somewhere for social work, and I'm interested in the medical field or something international for possible career options, but that is all still a few years away. For now, I study and I work, I do a lot with Campus Crusade for Christ and the Honors college, I read for fun if I have time, and I'm a huge musical theater dork.


Allen Webb said...

Anne, Great to have you in class again. And now I know you are musical theater person! Do you perform?

Linz Adams said...

Wow...sounds like you're a busy girl! :-) Interesting about going to France!